A great way to save extra money in your budget is to Menu Plan. No we don't always exactly stick to the plan and those times we just move the meal to the next week. I always have cereal, oatmeal, muffins and such around for breakfast or we can have smoothies from fruit and yogurt we have in the freezer. Lunches vary from sandwiches, frozen dinners, leftovers, etc :) Also we are going to have one "Theme Night" each week as a countdown to a epic 2+ Week Orlando trip planned for next November (plus its a blast for the kiddos to have funny food!) Here's the dinner plan for next week:
Friday: Burger King (long day at work and lots of shopping!)
Saturday: Chicken Breast, Baked Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans
Sunday: Stuffed Peppers, Rice, Fruit
Monday: Chicken Spaghetti, Salad
Tuesday: Tuna Casserole
Wednesday: 52 Weeks "Monsters University" Night (think college food): Sully Sliders, Squishy Squibbles Fries, Mike Wazowski Green Grapes, Oozma Kappa Jello,
Thursday: Pork Loin, Mixed Veggies, Scalloped Potatoes
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