Sunday, December 2, 2012

Let's try something new....

With New Years quickly approaching I have been thinking of ways to not only challenge myself more in regards to this blog but, also make it more fun & informational for my readers. So I have came up with 5 new things I will attempt to start this month but, will for sure be making a part of 2013!

#1...My dad has pointed out that I should really keep track of how much I save vs spend. I am going to start making that a part of my shopping trip posts and my monthly budget review and keep a running track for the year. This could get interesting :)

#2...Everyone loves Pinterest right? Well I am going to start posting my attempts at the recipes & crafts and reporting on whether or not they actually work/ taste good/etc.

#3...Freezer Cooking is a great way to stay on budget, and keep from going out to eat. Freezer cooking is also very necessary for us since I also provide food to my dad. I spend one Saturday a month cooking lots of food and then all I have to do is thaw it out during the month and we are ready to go.

#4...I am going to lower my budget to $500 and not count Grandma's groceries toward my budget. It was getting really hard to keep track of her stuff since I usually pick it up and immediately drop it off. This is only taking $100 off our budget but I am finding that we are actually consistently giving several bags of groceries out every month to someone who needs them/ food pantries/ or food drives. I would rather spend more on groceries and know that I am always going to have more than enough to hand someone in need several bags to help get them through. Also don't forget this also includes all gifts besides Christmas and since in the next couple weeks we will be adding another nephew that will bring us up to 3 parents, 1 grandparent, 6 siblings/spouses, & 15 nieces/nephews...not counting friends, weddings, baby showers, etc....Yikes that is a lot of birthdays!!!!

#5...And speaking of presents I am going to start a running list of what's in my birthday present box. I purchase things throughout the year when I can get them for super low prices and keep them hidden away until they are needed. Last years February Target toy clearance supplied me with Easter basket toys and birthday presents for many of the kiddies. 

I may add more features on as the year goes but for right now I will focus on making those and what I already do a success.

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